Photo by: Hector Puig

Salems Lott have a new video out for their song “Enigma”. Lead guitarist Jett Black comments:

“The anime portion portrays a hypothetical fictional future in which the ideology of equality attains complete dominance. Wealth, prosperity, individualism are ostracized and violently subdued. Conversely, equality and collectivism are promoted to its utter extreme. These two opposing views inevitably battle it out. Throughout the video the band symbolizes the lost archetype of yang – order – the father and all of the archetypal elements embodied. In contrast, the authoritative figures of the future and the violent activists of the modern day, embody the extreme archetype of yin – chaos – the overbearing mother.

Freedom of speech is the mechanism in which a healthy society remains balanced and not swayed by either extreme. In the video, we see the signs of an unbalanced extreme being pushed forward through violent suppression of free speech (opposing views). This is something we are seeing today more commonly and would ultimately lead to a Marxist ‘utopian’ future as the one depicted in the anime. Hence the title ‘Enigma’ (other than censorship reasons): The nature of an ideology that is deeply damaging/authoritative but masquerades under the innocent good intentioned guise of compassion (while any opposing view is vilified), which makes it so mysterious, ambiguous and hard to identify as the problem. The shadowy figure silencing individuals through force and its extended intimidation.”

The song is taken from the shock rockers new outing Mask Of Morality, out now through Rēd Moon Rēcords. Copies are available for purchase at the band’s online shop, iTunes, and Amazon.

[via Alternative Press]