Photo by: Hayley Rippy

Band: Bleach Everything
Song: “Nazi Punch, Fuck Yes”
Engineered/Mixed by: Ricky Olson
Vocals Recorded by: Brent Eyestone
Mastered by: Dan Randall at Mammoth Sound
Artwork by: Steak Mtn
Release: August 17th, 2017
Label: Magic Bullet Records

Vocalist, and Magic Bullet owner, Brent Eyestone offered:

‘Nazi Punch, Fuck Yes’ is a song we already had in the can for a new LP that we’ve been steadily chipping away at. I had seen Jello Biafra perform at a small dive in Long Beach not too long before Richard Spencer got punched in the face and cried on camera, so the phrase just formed from witnessing those two wonderful experiences and it kept playing over and over in my head until I ended up doing some lyrics in the spirit of that sentiment.

The original intent heading into our upcoming shows in Virginia and Texas was to issue the song as a digital promo to raise awareness of the show dates. As we were planning, Charlottesville happened… and one of Graham’s bosses at work was among the many people struck by the car that ended up killing Heather Heyer. In an instant, this issue that we already took extremely seriously became as personal as it gets. Since then, it’s been a flurry of activity to get this song out there as our own small way of drawing an even harder line on Neo-Nazi actions, sentiment, and beliefs in the face of such shameful actions and events.

‘Nazi Punch, Fuck Yes’ is not a subtle song by any means. I don’t feel I need to explain what it means or what the nuances of the lyrics are. My hope is that it reminds our allies that punk rock is still a place where you can find people just like you… who want to smash this racist shit into non-existence until every person we share a planet with is truly able to appreciate and participate in the grand experiment of learning about, growing with, and sharing with one another our diverse cultures to the point where it all becomes something entirely new that we can all experience together. If you want these things, punk rock is looking for you.”


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