Band: Vulvodynia
Song: “Banquet of Enigmatic Horrors II: Agony” feat. Oliver Rae Aleron (Archspire)
Album: Praenuntius Infiniti
Release Date: September 17th, 2021
Label: Unique Leader Records

The group said of the new track:

“We are super excited to release this single, it’s the second half of a two-part epic. ‘The Banquet of Enigmatic Horrors, Part 2: Agony’ is for sure a band favourite! Not only for how pummelling it is but also because of the guests we have on it. Malcolm Pugh of Inferi shows up on our track-list again with his tasteful display of Orchestration and alien theremin use. But what really sends this single over the edge is machine gun vocal extraordinaire Oliver Rae Aleron of Archspire. He completely blew us away with his absolutely insane yet precise speed vocals. We hope old fans and new fans alike can appreciate this behemoth!
