Band: Malevolence
Song: “Higher Place”
Director: Gabriel Fernández-Gil
Album: Malicious Intent
Release Date: May 20th, 2022
Label: Nuclear Blast Records

Singer Alex Taylor said of the song and clip:

‘Higher Place’ focuses on a subject that everyone will deal with at some point in loss; death/bereavement. This is one most heartfelt songs we have written as a band, however, once we began writing this song, it came together very naturally. This song is a huge step outside our comfort zone, we hope you enjoy it! The visuals for this song were our first venture into a narrative-driven video, filmed in our hometown of Sheffield. We worked closely with Enon Films to bring the concept to life.”

Direc Gabriel Fernández-Gil shared:

“The song inspired sorrow, drama, and a dark epicness, which is what guided us in the making of this video. In the story, you’ll be able to identify themes of loss, revenge, and the UK’s knife-crime epidemic. As the lyrics and instrumentation, our characters ‘ascend’ to different metaphorical planes of existence or lack thereof.”
