This week, Vader will kick off a headlining tour of their native Poland dubbed the Imperium Poloniae Tour. Joining the death metal outfit will be Infernal War and Insidius. Dates follow:

11/22 – Poznań, PL | Blue Note
11/23 – Toruń, PL | Od Nowa
11/24 – Zabrze, PL | CK Wiatrak
11/25 – Wrocław, PL | Alibi Club
11/26 – Katowice, PL | Mega Club
11/27 – Rzeszów, PL | Life House
11/29 – Kraków, PL | Kwadrat
11/30 – Białystok, PL | Zmiana Klimatu
12/01 – Lublin, PL | Graffiti
12/02 – Warszawa, PL | Progresja
12/03 – Gdańsk, PL | B90
12/04 – Olsztyn, PL | Nowy Andergrant
