Official press release:

Nefarious Industries has expanded its operations once again, announcing the acquisition and impending disbursement of new auditory demolition from San Diego’s unhinged Those Darn Gnomes, preparing their new album for release this spring. 

Since their formation in 2013, the bombastic Those Darn Gnomes collective has blurred the lines between noise, metal, and free jazz. The group formed initially with the lineup of Mark Steuer (vocals), Christian Molenaar (guitar, flute), Russell Case (bass), and Bryon Wojciechowski (drums), releasing their debut album The Years independently in 2015. The band followed up with their second full-length, The Zodiac, in 2016. While their debut more heavily emphasized the band’s roots in avant-garde metal and hardcore, The Zodiac stripped away any pretense of being a metal band in favor of a new, even more aggressive sound incorporating further elements of free improvisation and harsh noise. The band released a fully improvised single-track EP, Peeling, as a limited cassette in 2017, before playing shows throughout North America with like-minded experimental acts such as Ehnahre, Sult, Hypnagogue, Dischordia, and many more. 

Calling Whitetails To A Tuned Bow is Those Darn Gnomes‘ first release for Nefarious Industries and sees a further expansion and refinement of the band’s sprawling, genre-defying sound. Here, the group explores the outer reaches of progressive metal, free improvisation, and avant-garde sound design through the incorporation of algorithmic compositional techniques derived from mold cultivation, homemade instruments, and a greater focus on abrasive weirdness. 

Watch for the full details on Calling Whitetails To A Tuned Bow to be released shortly with a springtime release date imminent. 

Also watch for details on the collaborative album between the band’s Christian Molenaar and labelmate Gridfailure’s architect David Brenner to be issued in the coming days.

Those Darn Gnomes is:

Christian Molenaar – voice, electronics
Noah Souza – saxophone
Jonathan Piper – tuba
Joe Molenaar – bass
Russell Case – tenor guitar
Nathan Hubbard – drums