Official press release:
Nashville, Tennessee-based duo Thetan makes its crushing return following a four-year hiatus from releasing new material, with their second full-length, Abysmal, through Anti-Corporate Music on February 1st. The album’s first single, “Singularity”, sees its premiere through SVBTERRANEAN as pre-orders and the album’s details are divulged to the public.
Thetan spawned from the remnants of Nashville hardcore band Sanctions in 2011. Opting to forgo finding a new guitar player, and move forward as a two-piece, they recorded their first EP, Welcome To Whine Country, a mere three months after their first band practice. Since then, the outfit has released an LP titled Laughed At By The Gods, five split releases including splits with Bleed The Pigs, Bible Thumper, and others, as well as several singles, compilation tracks, and more.
Carrying on their legacy of creating point-blank, depressive, powerviolent hardcore, Thetan delivers Abysmal, deploying eighteen pulverizing songs of abusive hardcore in just as many minutes. Abysmal is an intense offering which sees the band simultaneously exploring new territory with more nuanced stylings, though never straying from the pulverizing delivery that they have adopted for the past years. fans of Nails, Weekend Nachos, Dead In The Dirt, Hatred Surge, Die Choking, and the like should investigate the blasting ways of Abysmal. The vinyl version of Abysmal is rounded out with animated vinyl etchings done at Black Matter Mastering, fully complimenting the sonic chaos.
The band offers of the song:
“‘Singularity’ was the first song written for this album. It actually went through a couple of complete lyrical revisions, though the subject matter has remained the same. It is about our complete reliance on technological integration. Technology drives every aspect of human existence, from agriculture to medicine to media and entertainment. As a species we would be lost without it. In time we may find ourselves in debt to the things we have created.”
Thetan’s Abysmal will see release on digital and animated-etched LP on February 1st via Anti-Corporate Music, joining the likes of Dwarves, Yautja, Resistant Culture, In Ruins, Iskra, Blowfly, Sky Burial, and many other underground acts. Find pre-orders at Bandcamp and the label webshop.
Watch for additional audio samples from Abysmal, Thetan tour dates, and more to be issued over the weeks ahead.
Abysmal track listing:
- “Alive In Hell”
- “Frustration”
- “Focused Hatred”
- “Pathetic”
- “Weakling”
- “Scapegoat”
- “Punching Bag”
- “Missing Person”
- “Singularity”
- “Welcome To Your Stupid Life”
- “By My Own Hand”
- “Put Out To Pasture”
- “Sell You A Dream”
- “In Captivity”
- “Shitdozer”
- “Paradise Rejected”
- “Null And Void”