Band: Sofy Major
Album: Total Dump
Release Date: January 25th, 2018
Label: Corpse Flower Records, Deadlight Entertainment
The band commented:
“‘Total Dump’ is the opening track of the record, and it’s also the album title. I think no matter who you are, where you live, what you’re going through, occasionally, you’ll have this feeling that it can’t get worse, both in your life and in general; it’s the ‘total dump’ point. Ultimate level of shit and trouble. Rock bottom. And the best thing to do, as hard as it is, is to accept it and deal with it. Only then can you try to climb back to the top. Mentally, physically, etc. All this made sense to the three of us as we went through some hard and challenging times, as individuals and as the band, during the writing and recording process of this album. This band and its members have been tried and tested a lot through the years. We’re good guinea pigs I guess… or suckers!”

[via New Noise Magazine]