Band: Polyphia
Song: “Yas” feat. Mario Camarena and Erick Hansel
Album: New Levels New Devils
Release Date: October 12th, 2018
Label: Equal Vision Records

The group offered of the new song:

“For god so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten sons, that whoever believed in them, shall not perish, but have everlasting life. As god’s gift to earth, We, the chosen ones (not only the biggest, but the best Christian rock band in the world) have descended from the heavens, clad in holy Gucci linen, to present to you god’s greatest creation ‘Yas’ featuring not only the biggest, but also the best jazz band in the world, CHON. Weep and repent in all of its glory. Praise be unto Us, hallelujah!”


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