Band: Necropanther
Song: “Good As Dead”
Album: Eyes Of Blue Light
Release Date: February 23rd, 2018

Streaming exclusively via Decibel.

Guitarist Joe Johnson elaborates on the song:

‘Good As Dead’ talks about Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohaim’s prescient foreshadowing of Duke Leto’s downfall. One of the things we tried to accomplish on this record was to compose operatically. In rock and metal, ‘operatic’ usually refers to an overwrought melodic vocal style. However, what I mean here is that we tried to use different musical techniques to convey moods that would indicate specific characters and situations. With ‘Good As Dead’, there’s a bright melody that evokes the happiness and stability of life on Caladan, while the thrashy beat and dissonant rhythm guitars drive toward the inevitable destruction ahead. The style is a combination of melodic death metal and thrash, which is pretty foundational to the Necropanther sound.”


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