Band: Lord of the Lost
Song: “The Gospel of Judas”
Album: Judas
Release Date: July 2nd, 2021
Label: Napalm Records

Guitarist Pi Stoffers shared:

“The biblical figure Judas Iskarioth is considered in the conventional narrative of the Bible not only as a traitor, but above all as ‘the outcast’. Our song ‘The Gospel Of Judas’ is primarily about this designation, but in a social sense rather than a biblical one. While we like to boast about being tolerant, open-minded and individual, it is mainly these people who live out their individual way of loving, believing and looking, who are outcast by society.

Why? Because there is no way to assign these people to a pigeonhole, which people desperately seek in order not to feel disoriented themselves, or to have to question them. However, we would like to question whether it is important at all to be able to categorize people, let alone oneself. The real strength lies in our diversity and individuality. We have recognized that for ourselves as a band. And with ‘The Gospel Of Judas’ we want to remind everyone that one’s own limits only begin where one gives up one’s individuality.”
