Massachusetts thrashers Lich King have released a re-recorded version of their track “Toxic Zombie Onslaught”. The song will be appearing on an EP of re-recorded tracks from their first two albums titled Do-Over. It’s currently scheduled for release on Christmas Day on Evil Eye Records. Pre-orders are currently available here (North America), here (everywhere else), and here (digital). Below is the track listing for the effort along with the cover art.

In other Lich King news, the band are currently writing material for their fifth record, more details when available.

Do-Over track list:

1. “Thrashssacre”
2. “Mascot War”
3. “Predator”
4. “Toxic Zombie Onslaught”
5. “Black Metal Sucks”
6. “Hot For Teacher” (Van Halen cover)
7. “Crossover Songs Are Too Damn Short” (demo)