Official press release:
Colorado Springs, CO black metal duo Helleborus founded by brothers Jerred & Wyatt Houseman announce they will be unleashing their much anticipated debut album The Carnal Sabbath via Satanth Records (Russia) and Black Plague Records (USA) on June 17th, 2016. The album is a Bacchic frenzy of carnal abandon told through lascivious guitars and tempting bass rhythms along with elements of black, death and doom metal to provide a vast backdrop for an ambiance of potential and possibility. Fans of The Devil’s Blood, Satyricon, Necorphobic, Belphegor, Blut Aus Nord are sure to be seduced by Helleborus.
The duo have already teased fans with three singles “Coils”, “Colored Spores of Yuggoth” and the album title track during 2015 and have posted a teaser video for black metal enthusiasts to get a taste of what’s to come below:
Wyatt Houseman comments:
“This first full length marks an important evolution in our great work and we are pleased to announce in alignment to this year’s Summer Solstice, The Carnal Sabbath will be released. We have joined forces with Satanath & Black Plague to pass this release into the light. With all the anticipation around this album we have finally reached the horizon. More announcements and news are in the works and fall tour plans are in development.”
Listen to the first three tracks revealed from The Carnal Sabbath below:
[via No Clean Singing]
[via Nefarious Realm]
[via Decibel]
The Carnal Sabbath track listing:
1. “Helleborus Black”
2. “Coils”
3. “Edge Of Black Waters”
4. “ColoredSpores Of Yuggoth”
5. “Draconian Disciple”
6. “The Poison Of Sleep”
7. “Temple Of Seventh Death”
8. “A Gift Of Renewal”
9. “The Carnal Sabbath”