Gutter Instinct 2

Official press release:

Swedish death metal outfit Gutter Instinct are excited to release their caustic, flesh-ripping debut full-length album Age Of The Fanatics to unsuspecting audiences worldwide on May 27 via Prosthetic Records. The album develops a further blackened edge to their already haunting death metal — as heard on their debut EP The Insurrection — by forging their way through the influential mire of death metal innovators including Teitanblood, Bölzer, Grave Miasma, Black Witchery and Portal whilst still reeking of their classic buzzsaw Swedish sound.

Gutter Instinct have teamed up with Nine Circles to premiere the first new material, the album’s title track “Age Of The Fanatics”, which can be viewed directly on or streaming below:

Age Of The Fanatics is a study in cynical nihilism that lashes out against organized religion, corporate greed and political corruption leading to a hopeless state of depression and alienation, while closing the circle with a desire for isolation and total death worship, welcoming the apocalypse. In perfect correlation with Gutter Instinct’s depraved musical theme, renowned artist Dávid Glomba, aka Teitan Arts (Cult of Fire, Svartidauði, Inferno) aligned his harrowing aesthetic creating the artistic concept for the entire layout utilizing several large-scale illustrations.

Age Of The Fanatics will be available in a limited edition format with a total first pressing of 1,000 copies on CD and 300 copies on vinyl, including a four-page foldout featuring the detailed artwork. Pre-orders are now available directly via the Prosthetic Records web shop.

Digital pre-orders, which include an instant download of the title track, can be purchased from any of the below online retailers or streamed via Spotify or Google Play immediately. Get your copy now on iTunes, Amazon, and Bandcamp.

Age Of The Fanatics track listing:

1. “Leper Beholder”
2. “Age Of The Fanatics”
3. “Bloodstorms”
4. “No Place For The Cross”
5. “Bridge Of Broken Bones”
6. “An Ending In Fire”
7. “Death Cult”
8. “Counter-Culture”
9. “Faith Junkies”
10. “Exile”

Gutter Instinct 1

Gutter Instinct is:

Thomas Ernemyr – vocals
Oscar Persson – guitar
Hannes Hellman – guitar
Simon Iskakssn – bass
Ola Håkansson – drums