Gift Giver have joined the Century Media roster. The Detroit “tech/nü-metal” outfit will be releasing their debut album through the label next year. Frontman Justin Johnson said of the signing:

“We are very proud to announce that we have signed to Century Media Records! We’ve got a brand new full length ready and a couple new singles that will be coming out shortly. We busted our asses, dealt with member changes, and other endless amounts of bullshit to make this record happen – and it’s finally ready! It feels good to have a badass label believe in what we are doing and we hope to see all of your support as well! See you guys on the road.”

As stated in the image above, details for the release are coming soon. You can catch the band next year on the Destress The U.S. Tour with Barrier, Villains, Traitors, and Adaliah; dates here.