Band: Exhumed
Song: “Carbonized”
Album: To The Dead
Release Date: October 21st, 2022
Label: Relapse Records

Frontman Matt Harvey comments:

“For me, the most exciting thing about To The Dead is that it’s the most collaborative record we’ve ever done. Our own six-string slime-slinger Sebastian Phillips disgorged the riffs for ‘Carbonized’, the disgusting little ditty we’ve selected as the second single from the album. Then Ross, Mike, and I worked out the lyrics, so this ode to cerebral incineration is truly a group effort — which takes some of the blame away from yours truly if you guys hate it! For the optimal carbonizing experience, turn out the lights, crank up the volume, spark a bowl, and this tune will vaporize what’s left of your senses and sanity!”
