Band: Earthless
Song: “Volt Rush”
Album: Black Heaven
Release Date: February 28th, 2018
Label: Nuclear Blast Records

Drummer Mario Rubalcaba described the song:

” Stoked to present to you the very first Earthless video, directed by artist BB Bastidas.

We were stoked to work with BB on this as he knows our background as a band and our close roots with skateboarding. His art is amazing and he also has a keen natural eye for film. Having Taylor Smith, aka T-Spliff, in it just makes it even sweeter. He is somewhat of a mythical figure of a skater, an amazing talent but chooses to shred at his own discretion. Those who know, know. This was a blast to be a part of and we hope you enjoy this short high energy rocker that cruises around our hometown of San Diego, and local club, The Casbah.”


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