Band: Death Angel
Song: “The Pack”
Album: Humanicide
Release Date: May 31st, 2019
Label: Nuclear Blast Records

Lead guitarist/vocalist Rob Cavestany offered:

“When I wrote ‘The Pack’ I was channeling the vibe we exchange with our fans when we’re having a killer show and the crowd is rocking so hard to the music that in that moment we are united as one intense exploding vortex of positive energy! This song is an uplifting dose of metal with a message of hope and unity, an anthem of strength in loyalty. It’s a balancing factor on the Humanicide album which is also filled with so much darkness. It’s dedicated to our fans, all metal and music fans in fact. I absolutely cannot wait to play this song live, especially this summer at open air festivals in Europe. Feels like a song that calls for crowd participation!

It’s a fun song to play because of it’s heavy rhythmic percussive attack. I get to play drums on my guitar! Challenging too, as the background vocals happen in spots where it goes against the grain of what the guitars are doing… also the guitar solo section is quite melodic and takes you into a different dimension before returning to the pulsing heartbeat fist pumping stomp.

This song is raw, no nonsense good time fun. It’s refreshing amongst the dark complexity on the other side of the Death Angel sound.”


[via Guitar World]