Band: Cyclone Static
Song: “Company Man”
Album: From Scratch
Release Date: February 8th, 2019
Label: Mint 400 Records

Drummer Jonathan Levine commented on the new song:

‘Company Man’ was created early on in our process of James and I writing music together. It sort of developed out this driving rift and this thumping bass drum. There is a funny story about this song. James has a tendency to write lyrics as we develop the songs and I typically don’t know what they are until much later in the process. I kept thinking he was singing, ‘I’m a company man,’ but he was actually saying ‘I’m a confident man.’ I started calling the song ‘Company Man’ and he never corrected me so that is the title. I had this whole idea about what the narrative was based on the title, but I was totally wrong. I didn’t find this out to very recently. “


[via No Echo]