Band: Cliterati
Song: “Trans Is Beautiful”
Album: Ugly Truths/Beautiful Lies
Release Date: August 30th, 2019
Label: Tankcrimes Records

Vocalist Ami Lawless said of the new song:

“From my earliest memories until 3rd or 4th grade. I believed I was a boy although I was AFAB (assigned female at birth). My mother, who was undocumented from Mexico living in the USA would hit me and yell at me for saying I was a boy. I believe she didn’t want to draw attention to us. It took me years to figure myself out. After having top surgery a few years back, I finally become comfortable in my own skin, for the first time in my life. I identify as trans non-binary/emby/two-spirit and my pronouns are they/them. I have quite a few friends who identify this way as well. This song is for all the kids who are still figuring themselves out… we see you and are here for you. Let your light shine.”


[via Brooklyn Vegan]