Progressive metal unit Binary Code have unleashed guitar playthrough videos for their songs “Immersion” and “Dark Meditations”. Guitarist Jesse Zuretti states:

My guitar partner in crime, PJ Spilletti, and I both used our brand new Mayones guitars in the videos. I can tell you right now, playing our songs a bajillion times has never been so easy because of those guitars. These guitars are cheat codes to our playing. I’m using a Mayones Regius 7M with Bare Knuckle Pickups (Juggernauts), and PJ is using a Mayones Duvel Elite 7 with Seymour Duncan Sentient/Nazgul pickups.”

With regard to the visual effects on the videos, he adds:

“We filmed the play-throughs for ‘Dark Meditations’ and ‘Immersion’ with Nick Kusworth, who also does great work for Heavy Blog is Heavy. He used some really cool techniques for ‘Dark Meditations’, using an actual prism for this cool kaleidoscopic effect. We picked some cool lighting effects; the color gels we chose were picked for the mood of each song.”

The tracks are taken from the group’s new full-length Moonsblood, which is out now and available for purchase on Bandcamp. The band will be launching an in-depth video detailing their recording and live rigs this week.

[via Guitar World]