Canadian grinders WAKE have premiered a full stream of their third effort Sowing The Seeds Of A Worthless Tomorrow. The effort is set for release this Friday, February 26th in all formats through a number of labels – the cassette tape and digital formats will be out via Sentient Ruin; on CD by EveryDayHate; and vinyl by 7 Degrees Records and Nerve Altar. Preorders for the digital and cassette are available HERE, the LP HERE and the CD HERE.
Sowing The Seeds Of A Worthless Tomorrow track listing:
1. “Burn Well”
2. “Wretched Tongues”
3. “Drones”
4. “Better Living Through Apathy”
5. “Low”
6. “Unrelenting Hate”
7. “Vultures”
8. “Endless Decay”
[via Invisible Oranges]