Slayer’s Tom Araya was interviewed by Liquid Metal’s Jose Mangin last week where he talked about several topics. Among them, the forthcoming record which they have started tracking with producer Terry Date (Deftones, Pantera). The bassist/vocalist gave an update regarding the status of the album, saying:

“We’re just getting started, man. We’re laying down drum tracks at the moment, but yeah, we’re just getting started. I’d say we’re two weeks into doing stuff.”

He described the material saying:

“There’s stuff that Kerry has been working on for the past almost two years, two and a half years. We started this whole process of writing a new album several years ago–three or four years ago, so it’s been a long process, it’s something that we’ve been doing for a while. So a lot of these songs have been around for a bit and now we’re just trying to figure them out and make them good.”

Araya also mentioned what it’s like to work with Terry Date:

“He’s awesome, dude. He’s really, really good. We actually finished up a song that we’re doing for somebody and we put that together in five days, and we went in and recorded it, we did all our parts, and then Terry mixed it and we presented it and it fuckin’ sounds really heavy, man. Sounds awesome, sounds real fuckin’ heavy.”

You can read the entire interview over at Revolver.