Band: The Atlas Moth
Song: “Actual Human Blood”
Album: Coma Noir
Release Date: February 9th, 2018
Label: Prosthetic Records

Guitarist/vocalist David Kush issued the following statement:

“This song mostly came about because of Mike [Broken Hope] joining the band. He is an absolute beast on drums and we wanted to write some songs that could showcase his talent while still keeping true to our Atlas Moth sound. The guy is a machine and we can’t wait to get on the road with him to play this live!”

“The concept of cults and cult mentality is explored throughout Coma Noir. You could even say that we as a band and our fans are collectively a cult. The psychedelic culture is a cult of sorts. Religion can be seen as a cult. We aren’t commenting on if they are good or bad, just pointing out that when people believe blindly in anything as truth, they will close themselves off to the greater cult we all fall into which is just Human Beings.

We write these songs in part to inspire others to think for themselves and be entertained, but mostly to remind OURSELVES of the journey we all have taken to come to these realizations.”


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  • [via Team Rock]