Song stream: Lucifer’s Child – “Viva Morte”
Take from the group's upcoming release, The Order...
Take from the group's upcoming release, The Order...
"With a meticulous attention to detail and hooks, we feel as though we have created our most honest and dark record to date."
Available now...
Plus, Jesse Schobel explains his drumming technique...
A new record from the group formed by members of Rotting Christ, Nightfall members...
Plus, the cover art and track listing of Moriah has been revealed...
Plus, an in-studio video...
The latest single off the impending Empyrean Atrophy EP...
Available this Friday...
Watch bassist Derek Engemann perform the track on the beach...
The third single of upcoming release, Escape...
I'm just going to go ahead and say this should probably be considered NSFW...unless your job is awesome!