Spiritbox have premiered the music video for their new single “Bleach Bath”. The song completes their Singles Collection EP. The collection stated with the song “Perennial”, released last September, and most recently “Belcarra”. Vocalist Courtney LaPlante explains the track:

“We have all had a toxic person enter our lives who brings out our weakness, our paranoia, and our low self-esteem. These people extract the worst in us, and we have to confront these facets of ourselves whether we want to or not.

‘Bleach Bath’ is the final chapter from our collection of singles we started releasing towards the end of 2018. We saved this one for last for a reason: we believe it represents the balancing act we strive to perform between beautiful and hideous. Instrumentally there is an uncomfortable tension that builds throughout the song that we have enhanced with strange EVP noises building in the background.”

The Singles Collection EP is available in it’s entirety via Pale Chord Music here.