Official press release:

New York City’s heavy-hitting groove quartet SOS is celebrating twenty raging years together as a band in 2015, and is currently booking shows across the city throughout June in celebration of crushing right through their two decade mark.

Following the release of their fifth full-length, Strength And Conditioning, SOS performed on the street at the massive NYC Marathon for the fifteenth consecutive year, amidst a widespread rash of other performances. Continuing the live mayhem, the band will play on their home turf on Friday, June 5th with Warrior Soul and a host of other support acts, followed by a free, all-ages, outdoor, matinee show at Tompkins Square Park on June 13th with an assortment of friend acts. And June 21st will see SOS hammering Astoria Skate Park in Queens with another, free, all-ages, outdoor, matinee show. Stand by for additional live shows to be confirmed through the Summer months. Issues the band:

“The weather’s getting nicer and SOS is stoked to celebrate twenty years of heavy grooves! What better way than with a bunch of kick ass shows with our musical brethren? See ya in June!”

6/05 – Elmhurst, NY | Blackthorn 51 w/ Warrior Soul, Metalfier, Tempest City, Black Dawn, Pyramis, Sweet Magma
6/13 – New York, NY | Tompkins Square Park w/ Srotakin IV, Snake Canyon, Purple Pam & The Flesh Eaters, High North, Valence, Fall Of The Albatross
6/21 – Queens, NY | Astoria Skate Park w/ Jump For The Sails, Lardhand, Off The Turnpike, Paloma Blanco, Phosfate, Sweet Magma, WDFA