Band: Rebel Wizard
Song: “Drunk On The Wizdom Of Unicorn Semen”
Album: Voluptuous Worship Of Rapture And Response
Release Date: August 17th, 2018
Label: Prosthetic Records

Mastermind NKSV said of the making of the video:

“Shot within the Wizards home of Sherbrooke Forest. We catch a rare glimpse of the Wizard drunk of his astrals on Unicorn semen during one of his daily rambles. Filmed by high priest video alchemist DLA-ALM. Watch the wretched negative metal Shaman waste his time off his chops on thy unicorns majestical mayonnaise because what the fuck else you going to do? Praise be to the Mountain Ash!”

Regarding the meaning of the song, he offered:

“The knowledge of all things is found after drinking 75 liters of unicorn semen. Then you will know everything. Everything. But what of it? Then what? You would most probably be an annoying buffoon. I most certainly will find you repulsive. Everyone will. Those who find you interesting should be melted. It’s a great song for high kicks and really should be played whilst rolling skating or segwaying off a unicorn. Large epic thighs around your head. It’s the theme song for life right now.”


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  • [via No Clean Singing]