Band: Lydia Can’t Breathe
Song: “Tastes New”
Album: Tastes New
Release Date: October 10th, 2017

Vocalist Kyle Bolduc said of the single:

‘Tastes New’ is the title track of our new album as well as our first love song. We usually write about smoking weed, movies, or partying so this was a new thing for us. It’s about how when you first meet someone and fall in love how awesome it is. It’s like eating something that tastes amazing for the first time!”


  • iTunes
  • Tastes New track listing:

    1. “Rise As One”
    2. “Adventure Out”
    3. “Liberator”
    4. “Zebra”
    5. “Have Mercy”
    6. “187 Stupid”
    7. “Victims”
    8. “Edibles”
    9. “Tastes New”
    10. “Future”
    11. “She Deserves”
    12. “Mother Fxcker”