Lorna Shore have issued the second installment of their web series for their upcoming sophomore effort Flesh Coffin. Guitarist Adam De Micco said of the episode, titled “Flesh Coffin Episode 2: Instrument Tracking”:

“With each record that we write we always strive to push ourselves beyond our capabilities. Whether it be on a technical aspect to our perspective on songwriting. We never want to write the same record and we don’t want our fans to expect or accept a carbon copy of past releases. We will consistently do what it is that we want to do and Flesh Coffin is no exception to that. In this episode you can see the growth of individual members as well as our ever growing vision of this band. With this episode we hope you gain a little insight into how Flesh Coffin came to be.”

Flesh Coffin hits stores on February 17th via Outerloop Records. Pre-orders can be placed at this location. The group will be touring North America extensively with Carnifex, Despised Icon, Fallujah, Rings Of Saturn, and She Must Burn. Get the dates here.