Michigan outfit La Dispute has announced the release of their fourth full-length Panorama will be on March 22nd. It will be their first effort through Epitaph Records. Pre-orders are available now through LaDispute.org.
A joint music video for two new tracks has premiered, listen to “Rose Quartz” and “Fulton Street I” below. Vocalist Jordan Dreyer said of the songs:
“‘Rose Quartz’ is a bright white light, then the low hum of tires on a country highway; ‘Fulton Street I’ is two heads in the car turning quietly at passing landmarks, plywood monuments with plastic flowers and the stories that populate the stretch of road between two places. Together, they’re the first two tracks on a record born from long drives like that, between a new and an old home, that takes a wide-angled shot of a city and just outside of it. How events there linger on in the memory of all those involved, carrying the characters off in thoughts of grief and healing to other planes and other histories. Everything on the record started with that image — and with the feeling of drifting off in thought toward different worlds — and with this piece, which was written largely in one setting after having scrapped nearly a full album’s worth of material.”
Panorama track listing:
- “Rose Quartz”
- “Fulton Street I”
- “Fulton Street II”
- “Rhodonite And Grief”
- “Anxiety Panorama”
- “In Northern Michigan”
- “View From Out Bedroom Window”
- “Footsteps At The Pond”
- “There You Are (Hiding Place)”
- “You Ascendant”

[via NPR]