Band: Trash Boat
Song: “Old Soul”
Album: Crown Shyness
Release Date: July 20th, 2018
Label: Hopeless Records

Vocalist Tobi Duncan comments:

“I wrote ‘Old Soul’ after deciding to really get to know my grandfather. I had always known he had had a crazy life, but I had only heard second-hand stories from my mother. I spent a few days just talking to him and learning about his life.

There is too much to go into, but needless to say he has had such a wealth of experience that I was stunned and humbled. It put into perspective everything I was going through at the time and taught me a lot about respect. He’s 95 now and still going. The song is called ‘Old Soul’ because that is what he calls everyone as a term of endearment so I named it after him.”


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