If you live or are going to be in Lviv, Ukraine on May 27th, then treat yourself to a day’s worth of thrash and speed metal by attending the Beermacht Fest. The event will be hosting the best Ukrainian thrash and speed metal bands on one stage at The Gas Station. Ticket information can be found after the jump.
Zombie Attack
Spit Bile
Acid Terror
Воєвода (Wojewoda)
Tickets: 5.2 EUR (doors), 3,5 EUR (pre-sale during April), 4,2 EUR (pre-sale during May)! To order tickets via internet please send message to alex@gs-promo.info! (PayPal accepted)
Why Lviv – Ukraine?:
1) Because you do NOT need any visas
2) Lviv – cultural capital of Ukraine, on the border with Poland
3) European city but with low prices
4) Millions of tourists from the entire globe visiting Lviv
Distances (by car, bus):
Warsaw – Lviv = 390 Km
Budapest – Lviv = 574 Km
Vilnius – Lviv = 764 Km
Bratislava – Lviv = 778 Km
Wien – Lviv = 794 Km
Bucharest – Lviv = 809 Km
Praha – Lviv = 858 Km
Berlin – Lviv = 922 Km
Riga – Lviv = 965 Km
Tallinn – Lviv = 1272 Km